Lighten Up and Flourish, providing in person laughter classes to Cleveland, Ohio, and online classes.

Laughter Yoga

Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.  – Jarod Kintz

Laughter Yoga is a unique laughter based program which has been proven to improve physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Laughter Yoga is a unique type of yoga!  No yoga poses, yoga clothes or mats!  Yoga poses are replaced with laughing.  In between the laughter activities, we take deep breaths.  Putting the concepts of laughing and breathing together, we call it Laughter Yoga!

Laughter Yoga is:

  • a fun activity
  • a fun exercise program
  • a way of looking at life and laughter.

Laughter Yoga improves mental and physical health!

Laughing not only boosts your mood, it boosts your immune system, improves the health of your heart and lungs, and reduces blood pressure.  And when you laugh with others, there is a sense of connection and joy!  

Who does Laughter Yoga?  People of all ages and fitness levels.  

I have led Laughter Yoga for numerous groups, including professional organizations, work teams, retirement communities, assisted living centers, church groups, special events and family gatherings.

Laughter Yoga is offered in 3 ways:

  1. FREE weekly 30 minute zoom Laughter Yoga
  2. In person, open to the public
  3. In person or zoom sessions sponsored by an organization or individual

For more information or to schedule Laughter Yoga, call or email.

We do a couple things which are yoga – we take deep breaths between the laughter activities and we end the session with relaxation. Putting the concepts of laughing and breathing together, we call it Laughter Yoga!

We do not tell jokes or stories.  We do lighthearted ‘activities’ and laugh while we do them. The joy of laughter is that it’s contagious!  Even if you start by ‘faking’ your laughter, it quickly shifts to genuine laughter.

Here’s an example: imagine that you are conducting a symphony.  Move your arms as a conductor would and laugh!  

You might say that that doesn’t make sense.  You are right.  And, that’s the point of Laughter Yoga – to get out of our heads and enjoy laughing!

Everyone who tries Laughter Yoga had a ‘first time’.  Laughter Yoga is inclusive, encouraging and positive.  There is no judgment and no right or wrong.  Why not give it a try?   You never know you might like it!